Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Judge reconsiders downtown street closure decision

The turbulent legal issue regarding the closure of the downtown streets in the City of Northville has prompted a 

reconsideration of the last decision by Judge Charlene Elder of the Third Circuit Court of Michigan.

Elder reversed the preliminary injunction that prevented the city from closing sections of Main and Center streets and the city can now close the streets to vehicular traffic. Following the May 21 ruling, sections of Main and Center streets will be closed to traffic and could reopen 

Saturday evening following a special event ends. As soon as the court enters the order granting the motion for reconsideration and lifting the injunction, the city may take measures to close those streets to vehicles on a long- term basis, according to a city spokesman.

“We’re happy to receive this good news,” said City Manager George Lahanas. “Downtown Northville with its pedestrian plaza has become a very popular destination for residents and visitors. We will continue to vigorously oppose the lawsuit that prompted the initial injunction. Our legal counsel informed us that cities in Michigan have broad 

authority to manage streets based on the Michigan 

Constitution and Home Rule Cities Act.”

Elder advised that when making the original ruling, she made conclusions on the element of irreparable harm. On reconsideration, she said she found that the affidavits by the plaintiff’s members (Engerer, Good, Corriveau, Demray) had not substantiated their claims of losses and that of closing due to the street closures. She further reasoned that, even if there is economic loss as a result of the street closures, those losses would be compensable as 

damages, so there is a remedy for the alleged harm and it does not constitute irreparable harm.