Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Volunteers work wonders in Banotai park

    Volunteers made significant improvements at Banotai Park in Sumpter Township recently.
    Anita Honey Dunbar noted the volunteers worked tirelessly to spread mulch throughout the playscape. The efforts were so successful, the group used all the mulch on hand and more has been ordered to complete the task, Dunbar said.
    “This effort not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the park but also promotes the health of its green spaces,” she posted on Facebook.
    During the volunteer effort, new swings were installed to ensure children’s safety and several playground features underwent repairs and received fresh coats of paint.
    Volunteers and supporters of the efforts included Township Manager Anthony Burdick, Trustee Don Laporte, John Honey, Trustee Matt Oddy, Trustee Tim Rush, Erica Campbell, Dave Behrendt and Treasurer Bart Patterson. Dunbar noted that the commitment and dedication of the volunteers “exemplifies the spirit of community and demonstrates the power of collective action in making positive changes.” Dunbar also thanked Faras at Littletown Pizzeria for providing pizza to the volunteers.
    “I am incredibly grateful for the support of volunteers and the ongoing contributions of our community members. Together, we are making Banotai Park a better place for everyone,” Dunbar posted.
    “My hope is that sharing our story will inspire others to get involved and contribute to the enhancement of public spaces in Sumpter Township. Together, we can continue to make a meaningful difference in our community's recreational areas and strengthen our sense of unity and pride,” she concluded.