Members of the Northville Township Board of Trustees voted unanimously to appoint Roger Lundberg to the open trustee position during the Feb. 20 board meeting. The vacancy occurred when Trustee Scott Frush died in January. Lundberg has a history of service in the township. While serving as township treasurer, he also served as a board trustee from 2020-2024. He narrowly lost his bid for reelection in November 2024, losing by 133 votes or about two-tenths of 1 percent, officials said.
Lundberg will remain in the position until a successor is elected in the next general election, or November 2026. To retain his seat on the board Lundberg will need to be the prevailing candidate in the August 2026 primary to ensure his name is added to the November ballot for consideration. Those rules apply as the board vacancy occurred less than three months into the new term.
This appointment process follows state law MCL 168.370, which governs how townships fill vacant offices.
“We are so grateful that Roger accepted this appointment,” said Township Supervisor Mark J. Abbo. “He is an excellent public servant and has kept active in the community since he was last on the board, so that shows you what kind of dedication he has. Thank you, Roger.”
“I am honored to be appointed by the board,” said Lundberg. “The unexpected passing of a trustee can leave a significant gap in leadership in an organization. I will enthusiastically serve on the board to ensure the continuity in decision making. I know the board and the community will dearly miss Scott Frush as he was an extremely talented individual. I will make every effort to ensure that the legacy that Scott Frush helped to build continues to thrive.”