Thursday, August 31, 2023

Recreation commission seeking event volunteers

Community events require community participation.

In Sumpter Township, the current lack of volunteers to help with community events like the recent Family Fun Day and upcoming other activities is a concern of Parks and Recreation Commission member Sharon Pokerwinski and members of the township board of trustees.  During a meeting earlier this month, Pokerwinski addressed the board members with her concerns about the lack of volunteers participation.

“It's getting difficult at parks and rec,” she said, noting that many former volunteers have not returned while others may want to come back to help, but simply have not done so as yet.

Her concerns were echoed by Trustee Matt Oddy who said the township needs to continue to push the park and recreation activities and attempt to find volunteers in the community to help. 

“We've had a 20 percent increase in population over the last 2 years. We need to get more members on the commission. We've had pretty much the same group over the years. We need an influx of new residents with new ideas,” he said. “This just doesn't work without volunteers.”

Oddy suggested the township post the need for volunteers to help with various community events on Facebook or the local community channel 12 to let residents know their input and help are needed.

Trustee Tim Rush said he agreed with Oddy, “100 percent. “Sharon is correct,” he said. “The lack of volunteers has us talking about downsizing the turkey shoot. If the Country Fest is to come back, even in a smaller version, we need more volunteers to keep things rolling.”

More information about volunteer positions is available by phoning township hall at (734) 461-6201.