The Non-Homestead millage renewal, covers operating
revenue that impacts the Plymouth-Canton school district over the next 20 years. Last renewed in 2014, this is a request to continue funding what has been in place since 1994. The source of funding only impacts localbusinesses, second homes, commercial, industrial and non resident properties. The proposal does not apply to private residences’ or raise taxes.
The millage represents the Plymouth-Canton Schools’ (P-CCS) general budget by $33.5 million dollars.
Considered one of the best school districts in the State with 16,200 enrolled students, the funds are used for
support staff, social workers, counselors, nurses, safety officers and teachers. It is important to note that if the
millage is not approved, the funds will not be covered by the State of Michigan.
Local businesses will maintain the same rate as before. The breakdown is that the district is able to levy 18 mills on Non-Homestead property through the 2023-24 school year.
Renewed, the millage would stay at the same rate.
Which means for a property value at $200,00 the tax cost would be $3,600. Superintendent of Plymouth-Canton
Community Schools, (Recipient of the 2023 Superintendent of the Year Award), Dr. Monica Merritt, spoke at the
Plymouth Rotary Luncheon on Friday Feb 9 to clarify any possible confusion concerning the millage. “This is a renewal,
when I say renewal, it is not a tax increase or a new ask. It is for businesses, commercial properties and second homes.” She continued, “What does this support in Plymouth-Canton? We always hear about our teachers who are a treasure trove of talent...we have over 1100 teachers in Plymouth/Canton and want to support our dynamic
educators.”Voting in January, the Plymouth Community Chamber of Commerce, stated by letter, that the board of
directors supports the millage renewal. The Chamber’s mission is to continue supporting economic growth to best serve the citizens of the Plymouth Community. For more information on the grant go to: