Thursday, September 5, 2019

Van Buren OK’s new sign

A bit of Vegas is coming to Van Buren Township.
While members of the township board of trustees have approved $29,995 for an electronic message sign to be installed in front of township hall, they are hoping for some further enhancements to the design. The sign, purchased from Veres Environmental Graphics and Signs (VEGAS), a local company. Jonathan Townsend, representing the vendor, told the members of the board that it will take four to eight weeks to install the sign when they inquired about design changes that might include work similar to that done by the late Chesley Odom who designed the sign at the corner of High and Main streets in Belleville.

Van Buren Township Supervisor Kevin McNamara said the budget line item for the sign includes another $20,000 above the approved amount, although the board members did not anticipate spending the entire amount.
Townsend also assured the board members that the company was working with landscape architects to ensure the aesthetics of the installation. Board members inquired about such design features as balls at the top, similar to the Odom design on the Belleville bridge and also suggested sailboats.
Board members were told to email their suggestions for inclusion in the final design to Director of Public Services Matthew Best for consideration in the final design to be presented for approval by the board.