Thursday, January 21, 2021

30 township firefighters receive COVID-19 vaccinations

Thirty Northville Township firefighters received the first vaccination for COVID-19 in an effort expected to help control the disease and protect local residents. The firefighters are scheduled to receive the second dose this week, according to the township Facebook page.

The firefighters are in the Phase 1A designation of the vaccine rollout, set forth by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Phase 1A includes inoculating people serving in healthcare who have contact or indirect exposure to patients, as well as residents of long-term care facilities.

Phase 1B includes frontline essential workers, including school and childcare staff, frontline responders and staff in jails, prisons and shelters. It also includes individuals 75 years and older while Phase 1C includes other essential works, people ages 65-74, and individuals 16-64 with underlying medical conditions. Phase 2 is a mass vaccination campaign all ages 16 and older. 

While MDHHS and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that starting Jan. 11, some Phase 1B essential workers, including school and childcare staff, frontline responders, and staff in jails, prisons and shelters may be vaccinated, Wayne County announced that Phase 1A has to be completed first. The start of Phase IB depends on the vaccine supply, rather than the Jan. 11 date, as shipment of the vaccine supply from the state has been limited. 

Check the Wayne County website for updates: