Thursday, January 7, 2021

Volunteers are thanked

The B-25 repainting project could not have been accomplished without a crew of volunteers who travelled to Oscoda, spent a few overnights, and took time away from their families this holiday season, said Kevin Walsh, president and CEO of Yankee Air Museum. 

“Like many non-profit organizations, Yankee Air Museum could not fulfill its mission without the time, skills and labor donated to it by volunteers.  With heartfelt appreciation, these B-25 project members are recognized:  Paul Hakala, chief of maintenance; Angel Estrada, B-25 crew chief; and volunteers:  Grant Schwartz, Darrel Bazman, Brian Gawronski, Rich Koski, Nick Consiglio, Tim Wedig, Eric Esckelson, Luke Noble, Bob Bailey, Joe Provost, Gene Wedekemper, Justin Walsh and Patrick Trevas.  The B-25 pilots for this mission, flying without heat in the cockpit, were Mike Vetter and Delane Buttacavoli,” he added.