The downtown streets will be closed so that costumed trick or treaters can enjoy games, music, face painting and live entertainment celebrating the Halloween season. There will be a pet costume contest at 11:30 and a children's costume contest at 12:30 while entertainment is provided by Redline Percussion, Synergy Dance and Prelude Music at Ann Arbor Trail and Main Street.
The Plymouth Fife & Drum Corps will perform on the Forest Street stage near Wing Street at 11:45 a.m. and again at 2 p.m. Ventriloquist Richard Paul will be onstage at 12:15.
Magician Gary Thison is scheduled to entertain at 1:15 p.m. and strolling juggler Jonathan Haglund and pumpkin carver John Bradshaw will also amuse crowds. Birds of Prey will bring some feathered friends to the event and the Kensington Metropark Mobile Learning Center will have people on site. Balloon artistry will be performed by Gracie the Clown while face painting and Uncle Sam entertain.Public safety vehicles including a fire truck and ambulance will be on site for close up inspection by young visitors, too, organizers said.