Thursday, April 20, 2023

City qualifies for new state road repair funding program

The City of Plymouth is among the local communities that will share in $25 million in supplemental funding recently approved by the Michigan House of Representatives.

House representatives approved Senate Bill 7, a budget supplemental that allocates $25 million for the Transportation Economic Development Fund, a match grant road funding program for municipalities with fewer than 10,000 people. 

State Rep. Matt Koleszar (D-Plymouth) expressed his pleasure at the announcement that Plymouth would be included in the fund-matching program. 

“I'm ecstatic to learn that my hometown of Plymouth qualifies for this grant program. This will match dollar-for-dollar what Plymouth puts towards fixing our local roads - that's why I voted in favor of this funding,” Koleszar said. 

The goal of the grants is intended to offset the costs of fixing roads in communities around the state and invest in reconstruction, replacement, rehabilitation or preventive maintenance projects, according to a prepared release from Koleszar's office.