Thursday, July 13, 2023

Hope not Handcuffs

Wayne police will host training session for program ‘angels’

The City of Wayne Police Department is seeking some angels.

The department is sponsoring volunteer training for Hope Not Handcuffs “angels” who are part of an  initiative launched by Families Against Narcotics (FAN) in 2017. The Hope not Handcuffs program is a collaborative effort between FAN, law enforcement, and community organizations to find viable treatment options for individuals seeking help to reduce their dependence on prescription medication, alcohol, heroin, or other drugs. 

A person struggling with any substance use disorder can come to any of the participating police agencies or community partners and ask for help. They will be greeted with support, compassion, and respect, according to the organization website.

If accepted into the program, the individual will be guided through a brief intake process to ensure proper treatment placement. 

If a person is uninsured or has Medicaid, an “angel” will work directly with the local Office of Substance Abuse Services for placement. If a person has private insurance, the program will provide them with treatment options covered by their plan. Regardless, the local team of “angels”will work to get them into treatment as soon as possible. 

Currently, there are more than 600 volunteer Angels, and one of them will help with paperwork and provide compassionate support until a treatment option is found.

Wayne is seeking more help for the program and will host the volunteer training at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 23 at the police station, 33701 Michigan Ave. Volunteers are required to complete the Angel application and register to attend. 

The form and information are available at familiesagainstnarcotics.or/hopenothandcuffs-angel.

Last month, Hope not Handcuffs compassionately connected 171 men and women to the compassionate support and recovery resources they needed to restart their lives, according to a social media post from the organization.