Thursday, July 27, 2023

Veteran police officer retires from department

Ofc. Eric Keledas
Canton Township Police Ofc. Erik Kaledas has retired from the department.

Kaledas began his 25-year career in law enforcement in 1998, after serving in the 1776th Military Police Company of the Michigan Army National Guard. As a road patrol officer, Kaledas responded to calls for service, provided traffic enforcement, conducted criminal investigations and responded to emergency situations throughout the community, officials said.

In addition to his patrol duties, Kaledas participated in many special units including Explorer Advisor, Evidence Technician, Bicycle Unit, Range and Rifle Instructor, Field Training Officer, and the Search Warrant Team. Kaledas was also one of the longest standing members and team leader of the prestigious department Honor Guard Unit responsible for posting of the colors at various ceremonial events.

While Kaledas was respected among his peers and supervisors for providing consistently solid police work as a patrol officer, he thrived as an investigator in the Detective Bureau where he spent 10 of his last 12 years of service, officials said. “Kaledas possessed a passion for thoroughly investigating crimes and preparing felony cases for prosecution. His tenacity, attention to detail, and innate ability to read people and situations contributed to his success as an effective investigator and lead detective within the division,” according to an official statement from the department.

Kaledas joined the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve Investigative Services in 2016. This augmented experience enhanced his skills in his current position within the police department, according to officials. 

“Erik's knowledge and input as a senior officer has been valued by those who have had the pleasure to work with him. His passion for law enforcement excellence has made him a highly-regarded role model for the department's younger police force. On the personal side, co-workers will miss his ever-present smile and sense of humor,” noted his fellow officers. 

“Detective Kaledas embodies unwavering determination and has achieved remarkable feats throughout his tenure as a police officer and detective. Possessing an unyielding dedication to justice and a profound sense of responsibility, Erik has forged a path of excelling as an investigator while dutifully serving as a reservist in our nation's military. He has balanced the demands of serving our community and defending our country. His exceptional service demonstrates a rare combination of commitment and bravery, earning the admiration and respect of many. We thank Detective Kaledas for his service and say goodbye knowing his absence will be deeply felt,” said Police Chief Chad Baugh.