Thursday, May 19, 2022

Smoke testing of sewer system continues

Smoke testing of the Inkster sewer system is expected to continue through Friday, May 27, according to officials from the Department of Public Works.

The smoke test is performed to locate breaks and defects in the city sewer system are being performed by work crews from Alfred Benesch & Co., engineers for the city. The crews are using a high-capacity blower on manholes and smoke is blown through the sewer system to detect potential entry points for stormwater to enter the city system.

The smoke, officials stressed, is not toxic, is harmless and has no odor. The smoke does not create a fire hazard.

To prepare homes for the smoke testing, officials as residents to ensure that all drains and traps are filled with water to prevent sewer gases from entering buildings. Residents are urged to ensure all basement drains have water. About three cups of water should be poured in floor and sink drains, filling the traps to prevent smoke from entering the home, they advised.

If smoke does enter a home, residents should consult a local licensed plumber. If the smoke can enter the home through the plumbing, there is the potential for dangerous sewer gases to enter the house. 

Residents do not need to be at home during the testing and field crews will not need access to homes. The smoke testing crew members will be noticeable documenting the testing, taking photos and measuring distances.

For more information or questions, contact Maya Roots at (313) 563-9774 or Dan Guastella at (313) 234-0307.