The service used by several Sumpter Township residents to receive public safety alerts will cease Dec. 31, township police officials said.
Sumpter Township Police are now using the new Public Crime Search application as part of the township consortium membership in the Oakland County CLEMIS (Court and Law Enforcement Management Information System).
Public Crime Search is a free web-based program that allows residents to map out reported and verified criminal activity, select specific crime types and date ranges, and generate reports for specific areas. Users can choose 16+ different types of crimes, officials noted.
To search and view reportable crimes specifically for Sumpter Township, take these steps:
Under the WHAT tab, choose the types of crimes you want to see (police recommend choosing all in the drop-down); Under the WHEN tab, choose the timeframe; then under the WHERE tab, choose “SUMPTER TWP” in the “filter by city” drop-down. Users should then enter “apply” to receive the results of the search.
Residents can also sign up for email alerts any time a crime is reported within a 1-mile square radius surrounding a chosen location. Those alerts can be requested for multiple locations, police said.
The site can be accessed at: