Thursday, April 29, 2021

Search and destroy

Garlic mustard, an invasive, destructive weed, is taking over the Coldwater Springs Nature Area off Ridge Road, north of Five Mile Road. The growth is detrimental to the greenery, since native plants have difficulty thriving in the presence of garlic mustard, officials said. To stop the spread, Northville Township, Northville Parks & Recreation and Friends of the Rouge are urging community members to join them in a garlic mustard removal event May 15, rain date May 22. Residents are asked to bring their own work gloves and masks, follow social distancing rules and arrive between 8:30-9 a.m. to sign in. Not only will the effort help the nature area, but the pulled weeds will be weighed and measured, which helps the Friends of the Rouge secure a grant for this important project, officials said. Limited parking is available near the Coldwater Springs Nature area, on the east side of Ridge Road. Register at: