Thursday, January 27, 2022

River restoration task force presents report

Northville River Restoration Task Force members, led by former council member Nancy Darga, presented their framework report to members of the city council, during a recent meeting.

The group is preparing a plan to restore the health of the Rouge River in the area.

Darga noted the plan is a living document that will grow and evolve over time, such as with new opportunities. Some of these opportunities are the redevelopment of the Foundry Flask site and the Northville Downs property. She noted the entire project - local and regional - will need to be a public-private partnership. She said, “The future is bright. We couldn't do it without volunteers.” 

Kathy Spillane spoke about the challenges which include: contamination, habitat, storm water management, erosion, topography and park maintenance. For example, she said the Mill Pond and man-made alterations lead to sediment build-up and impair the passage of fish upstream and downstream. 

 The next presenter, Jennifer Maude, spoke about the problem sites and noted the Walled Lake branch of the Rouge River is probably the most impaired due to past industrial contamination. She said there is one superfund site in the city at Ford Field. With proactive engagement, remediation and redevelopment, she said she believes contaminated sites can be transformed into “vibrant places and beautiful spaces.” 

Don Webb explained that some of the older retaining walls are failing and much of the riverbanks will need to be graded with plantings for stabilization. Darga cautioned council not to be alarmed at the project scope or projected cost but rather to look at the benefits that the Riverwalk and hub will bring - providing access to water courses and a series of connected pathways. 

“The vision is big. The steps are small,” she said and asked council members to be courageous, bold and flexible. “I'm excited about what we can do.” 

Council members expressed awe and appreciation for the year-long effort of the task force and the culminating presentation, noting the report and other task force reports are foundation items that need to be looked at strategically and prioritized among city goals and objectives. 

Mayor Pro Tem Barbara Moroski-Browne said the city manager is working on a strategic planning meeting with council and she wants to see it done sooner rather than later. Mayor Brian Turnbull called the report and vision “transformational.” 

 During the public comment section of the meeting, resident Michelle Aniol asked council members when the plan would be on the agenda and urged them to set a definite schedule for implementation.