Thursday, June 8, 2023
High notes
The Romulus High School Combined Concert and Symphony Bands earned both I (Superior) and II (Excellent) ratings from three official adjudicators and a clinician during the recent state district competition. The band members are now eligible to participate in the prestigious Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association Festival, school officials noted. Thirty-five Romulus students performed two pieces of music on stage before the panel evaluating performances and then worked with a clinician on their performances at the competition in April. Since 1934 Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association has been dedicated to music education through the study and performance of instrumental music. The festivals are a means to that end, officials said, and the rules and policies governing the festivals are devised to ensure that the same standards are applied to each group or individual participating. The high ratings attained by the Romulus students are a measure of the superior performance of the students, officials added.