Thursday, October 5, 2023

$400 million plant coming to Plymouth Township

A Norwegian hydrogen manufacturer will invest $400 million in a new Plymouth Township facility and bring 517 new jobs to the area.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced last week that Nel Hydrogen will locate a new automated gigafactory in the township. The factory produces electrolyzer technology for green hydrogen production. Hydrogen can be produced from water and renewable energy. As the most abundant and lightest element in the universe, hydrogen can play a significant role in accelerating a clean-energy transition away from fossil fuels, according to a state spokesman.

“Plymouth Township is honored to have been selected by Nel Hydrogen for this revolutionary facility that will help bring a new source of clean, sustainable energy to power the future of the auto industry and beyond,” said Plymouth Township Supervisor Kurt Heise. “This $400 million investment by Nel will bring over 500 new jobs to our community and will be the centerpiece of our Michigan International Technology Center Redevelopment Authority - converting vacant prison properties into engines for jobs and economic development.,” Heise said.

The new 507,000 square foot Nel Hydrogen plant will be constructed at 15000 Road at a site currently under development by Brookwood Capital Partners. The project will be supported in part by a $10 million Michigan Business Development Program grant. The project was also awarded a 15-year, 100-percent State Essential Services Assessment Exemption Request, valued at up to $6.25 million. 

Nel CEO HÃ¥kon Volldal said the company chose Michigan thanks to the engagement from Whitmer, in addition to what the state could offer, from the highly skilled workforce and financial incentives to the collaboration among the state universities, research institutions, and strategic partners.

“Plymouth Charter Township is an ideal location for Nel. Here, we have access to a highly educated workforce, universities and research institutions, and we are close to our collaborating partner, General Motors. In addition, the government and the authorities of Michigan have provided a very attractive financial support package for us,” said Volldal.

“Nel Hydrogen's investment in Plymouth Township is a testament to Michigan's commitment to advanced manufacturing and clean energy innovation,” said State Rep. Matt Koleszar (D-Plymouth). “Together, we are driving progress towards a sustainable future, where emerging technology meets our state's rich manufacturing heritage. This investment not only bolsters our economy but also solidifies Michigan's role as a leader in the clean energy revolution.”