Thursday, October 5, 2023

Batter up

Mayor to serve pancakes at One Romulus meeting 

Robert McCraight
Romulus Mayor Robert McCraight will demonstrate his skill at the grill during the next One Romulus community meeting set for 9 until 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 7.

McCraight will be flipping pancakes for everyone in attendance at the Romulus VFW Post #78 at 39270 Huron River Dr. He will step away from his grilling duties at 10 a.m. to provide updates on city news and announcements and then take questions from those in attendance about current events in the city.

The event is free, but pre-registration is requested to ensure enough pancakes and syrup are on hand. 

To register, call McCraight's office at (734) 942-7571 or register online at vtoliver@romulusgov. com.