In Inkster, more information and instructions of downloading an application are available from Wakii Adams at (734) 258-2083.
The local Toys for Tots also provides holiday toy donations to residents in Belleville, Wayne, Romulus, Westland, Sumpter Township, and Van Buren Township, in addition to Inkster.
Application pick-up sites include the Inkster Police station, the Inkster Housing Commission office, the Belleville, Westland, and Wayne libraries. For more information, client email is or call (734) 258-2083 during normal business hours.
Toys for Tots is a project of the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve dedicated to collecting new, unwrapped toys and, each year, distribute them as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.
The primary goal of Toys for Tots is to deliver, through a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens, according to the organization website.
The principle Toys for Tots activity which takes place each year is the collection and distribution of toys in the communities in which a Marine Corps Reserve Unit is located. In communities without a Reserve Unit, the campaign can be conducted by a Marine Corps League Detachment or group of men and women, generally veteran Marines, authorized by Marine Toys for Tots Foundation to conduct a local Toys for Tots campaign. Since inception, the program has provided millions of toys valued at hundreds of millions of dollars.