Sumpter Township Supervisor Tim Bowman, township attorney Rob Young and Trustee Matt Oddy had strong words of criticism during the June 28 meeting in response to the actions of Trustee Peggy Morgan following the June 23 meeting. (See related story, page 4.)
Morgan admitted that she had angrily confronted Bowman following the June 23 meeting, an encounter Bowman described as a “verbal assault” and said he “didn't appreciate.”
“I don't care if you appreciate it or not, you weren't the only one. I also got Rob Young outside and I got Tim Rush outside,” Morgan responded. She said her anger was prompted by Oddy's failure to disclose the names of developers who attended a meeting in township hall with the trustees and attorney. That meeting was abruptly halted, according to those who attended, when the meeting topics appeared to be inappropriate without the attendance of the full board. Oddy and Rush both stated categorically that they halted the meeting and informed the developers that any such presentation or plans must be presented to the full board. Young agreed and said he told the developers the attempt to offer blandishments to a few board members was unacceptable. Young also referred to the meeting as “a disappointment.”
Morgan said Oddy's deliberate failure to name township resident Nelson Po as a party to the development prompted her angry outbursts the previous week. She reportedly claimed during the loud encounter that the board members and Bowman were only “doing this” because Po was involved.
Oddy responded that he did not understand what could have prompted Morgan's “yelling and screaming” following the June 23 meeting. He said that Po did not attend the meeting and that members of the board had been repeatedly informed that Po was not involved in the project other than as the owner of the land the developers were purchasing. “Whoever told you Po was at the meeting is an absolute liar,” Oddy said.
Morgan responded that she was angry because Oddy “made sure” the name of the developer was not mentioned in his report of the meeting and that when she asked for the phone number of the developers, “you never said who you were talking about.”
Oddy said he deliberately withheld the name of the developers in an attempt to avoid even the appearance of any wrongdoing.
“I want the phone number, I don't care who it is. I want the phone number so I can straighten this out,” Morgan retorted, as she repeatedly interrupted other board members attempting to speak.
The continued contentious exchange prompted Young to attempt to again explain the situation to Morgan, reiterating that the proposed development is financially contingent on the township opting into the Michigan Marijuana Facilities Licensing Act (MMFLA). Morgan has been a vocal supporter of bringing marijuana facilities into the township.
“The truth is something you don't want to hear,” Young said. “We're not going to support any development that includes marijuana that has not been before the entire board. Would you rather have us have meetings in the dark which you seem to accuse us of doing all the time or would you rather we have meetings and come here and report what has been said in the meeting,” Young asked over Morgan's continued interruptions and remarks.
“You can smirk, wrinkle your face and nod your head yes and no, as you are so good at, but he (Oddy) explained what went on and invited them (the developers) to come on the 28th to explain to the entire board,” Young said. He added that the developers were adamant that Po was not involved in the project other than as the property seller. He said when it became apparent there were red flags at the meeting, it was halted, and the developer advised to appear before the entire board.
“If there is something wrong with that I'd like to understand it. Since you went off on everybody the other night, I don't understand at all.”
Young said not naming the developers was a level of caution exercised in response to the sensitive nature of the issue with accusations of misrepresentation, slander, defamations of character and libel having been leveled in the past.
Oddy again demanded Morgan define what she was accusing the board members of. “Is it revenge, what is it? You accused three people, what is it you're accusing us of? If you accuse a board member of anything, bring it to the board table where they have a chance to defend themselves,” Oddy said. “So, what is it?”
“I'm not saying nothing,” Morgan angrily retorted. “In my opinion, I'm not saying nothing.”