City of Plymouth officials have implemented voluntary water use restrictions in an effort, they said, to help control future water rate increases and reduce potential instances of lower water pressure.
Residents are asked to voluntarily limit water use between the hours of 5 and 10 a.m. and from 5 until 10 p.m. when the demand on the water system is highest. Residents should set sprinkler systems to avoid these time periods. Officials also suggest using dishwashers or washing machines outside these peak times.
Officials said in a statement mailed to residents, “Following this voluntary restriction is a good way to keep future water rates down. By adhering to this suggestion, the City of Plymouth can level out these high water demand factors resulting in more stable long-term water rates set by the Great Lakes Water Authority.”
More information or questions regarding the requested water use restriction is available by phone at the City of Plymouth Department of Municipal Services, (734) 453-7737.