Thursday, August 12, 2021

Library rescinding all late book fees

The Wayne Public Library just wants the books back.

Recently, members of the Library Board voted to rescind the late fee on borrowed materials in an effort to have the library operate more efficiently and allow more people to use the library.

In an official statement, the board members said that during the last few years, hundreds of libraries across the country have gone fine-free and seen significant increases both in library materials being returned and in residents using the library again.

“If you have overdue fines on your account from something you've returned late or if you have overdue materials at home right now, just bring back whatever you've checked out and we will waive any overdue fines that might have accrued,” the statement added.

The library will still be charging replacement fees for lost or damaged items. Those who use their Wayne library card at another library or check out another library materials, that library may still charge overdue fines, officials added.

“We believe that eliminating overdue fines and increasing access to the library benefits our entire community! For more information, please check out our Fine Free FAQs (” the statement concluded.