Thursday, August 11, 2022

No action is taken on demand for trustees’ resignations

Sumpter Township trustees took no action on a demand to resign their positions immediately during the July 26 meeting by an “elected precinct delegate.” 

Ronald Barrington told the board members that during the meeting July 12, they had violated his rights guaranteed under the First Amendment to the constitution by refusing to allow him to make comments during the proceedings.

“Consequently, I am demanding this whole board resign, including the township attorney and the township police chief immediately,” Barrington said.

The board members, by a unanimous vote, adopted Roberts Rules of Order, the uniform code of meeting procedures some time ago, and conduct meetings under those rules.

Trustee Peggy Morgan attempted to placate Barrington and apologize “for you being told no.” She said she didn't agree with the ruling by Supervisor Tim Bowman who chairs the meetings. “I believe that all residents have a right to speak.”

Trustee Matt Oddy, however, said he wanted to make it very clear that he did not and would not apologize for conducting the meeting as prescribed in the standard, accepted procedures.

“You attempted to speak while the board was in session and were out of order,” he said. “I don't apologize. Your comments were out of order and at an inappropriate time,” he told Barrington. 

“Your comments came while the board was in the middle of business session. So make no mistake, I don't apologize for asking somebody to be quiet while the board is in session.”  

Morgan said other residents had spoken during past board meeting without being cautioned or “shut down.” Officials reminded her that those individuals were authorized to speak by the chair of the meeting and had not violated the adopted rules of meeting conduct.

No resignations have yet been submitted.