Thursday, August 11, 2022

On a roll

The Wildwood Bikeway is the first project to be implemented from the Westland Walk & Roll plan. The bikeway is 3.5 miles of path along Wildwood Road, on both sides, northbound and southbound, between Warren Road to Glenwood Road. The bikeway involves two types of bicycle facilities both with varied signs and pavement markings, officials said. The first is a 5-foot-wide dedicated bike lane, located in the areas where there is no on-street parking. The second consists of Sharrow markings and signage to alert motorists that bicyclists can use the entire lane. This pathway is located in the areas where on-street parking exists. In these Sharrow marked areas, motorists are required to drive behind bikers or pass them with at least 3-feet of space. For more information about Bike Safety or the Walk & Roll plan, visit the Westland Bicycle Safety Campaign webpage at: