Thursday, March 11, 2021

Greek Islands license suspended for COVID violations

The owners of Greek Islands Eatery on Main Street in downtown Plymouth were scheduled to appear at a hearing yesterday before an Administrative Law Judge to determine if the suspension of the liquor license should continue.

The Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) issued an emergency suspension of the liquor licenses and permits for G.I. Poros, Inc., d/b/a Greek Islands Eatery in Plymouth on March 2. Investigators said that the restaurant violated the gatherings and face mask order that was in effect, including allowing non-residential, indoor gatherings without requiring patrons to be seated; exceeding 25 percent of normal seating capacity; allowing prohibited intermingling; failing to require face coverings for staff and patrons and a lack of social distancing.  

The hearing yesterday was set by Zoom to determine if the suspension should continue or if other fines and penalties should be imposed. The results of the hearing were not available at press time.

Officials said that any licensed establishment that is in violation of the MDHHS emergency order risks suspension or revocation of its license. All licensees must comply not only with the MDHHS orders, but also with local health department orders and local ordinances regarding reduced occupancy rates and social distancing protocols related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The public can report any suspected non-compliance issue at an establishment directly to the MLCC by filing a complaint with the MLCC Enforcement Division online or by calling the division hotline, toll-free, at 866-893-2121. 

The MLCC  website ( provides information on the MDHHS Emergency Orders, indoor service restrictions, face mask requirements, and Frequently Asked Questions for restaurants and bars.