Thursday, July 16, 2020

City hall now open

Inkster City Hall began reopening to the public last week.
The opening of the building, closed for several weeks due to the coronavirus pandemic, will be gradual, officials said, in an effort to ensure the safety of employees and the public.
Some departments will be open from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Monday through Friday to allow for additional cleaning at the end of each day as part of an ongoing effort to keep staff and visitors safe.

A few restrictions will be in place as the city hall reopens. The city has requested all visitors to observe proper social distancing at all times.
Only nine visitors will be allowed in city hall at a time, and those inside must stand on their mark 6-feet apart from the next person in line.
For more information, call Inkster City Hall at (313)563-4232. City hall is located at 26215 Trowbridge St. in Inkster.