Thursday, July 2, 2020

Library offering curb service

While the Plymouth District Library prepares for a safe reopening in phases, there is a new curbside service available to library patrons set to begin next Monday.
The library will provide the opportunity to go online, check the library catalog for available items, request them and then schedule a curbside pick-up time.
Those who had items on hold in March should  check their records and if the items are no longer wanted, delete them, library officials said.  Those who still want the items can leave them on their respective records and a library staff member will schedule a pick up time.

Required maintenance on the library heating/air conditioning/ventilation system was scheduled to take place during the closure, explained Library Director Carol Souchock. It is under way at this time she said, “but this large scale project must be completed before we can invite you back into the building, but our curbside service will be available during weekday evenings and during the day on weekends, as we work around this HVAC work.”
Souchock said that library staff members know that patrons have materials at home that have not been returned due to the pandemic.
“We ask that you continue to hold these until further notice. We felt it was most important that we kick off our curbside service first and get you the materials you've been wanting to check out,” she said.
“We continue to look for new ways to provide service in this digital world. We proudly offer an expanded inventory of online books, programming and services. You can contact us at (734) 453-0750, ext 200 or online at and we'll get you connected,” she concluded.