Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Help wanted

Jo Ann Gardner, above,  is looking for some volunteers to help install the Butterfly Garden that is being added at Banatoi Park/Sherwood Pond in Sumpter Township this week. Today and tomorrow, July 9 and 10, volunteers are need to spread soil to start a pathway around the garden area. On Saturday, July 11, various foliage and plants will be put in the ground and donations of plantings are welcome.
Organizers said there will be multiple activities for those of all ages include meeting new friends, playing in dirt (remembering our youth), spreading soil, planting plants, weed whacking, putting weed paper down, spreading wood chips, donating clean gallon milk jugs with water, throwing seeds in the wild garden area, making mud rock puddles, record keeping of activities and volunteers along with suggestions. To volunteer, email Gardner at or call (248) 390-9233. Gardner said she would be at Sherwood Pond most of the day through July 10. She said she is also working on getting the butterfly garden certified as a Monarch Waystation. "If you are a kid like me and like watching dump trucks dump dirt, let me know. We will have a 20 to 30 minutes notification and I will call you as soon as I know. Cleaning up trash at the park would be appreciated. Bring a bag and pick up trash," Gardner said.