Thursday, July 2, 2020

Development plan for former Saxton’s property is approved

Members of the Plymouth City Commission approved the first reading of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) agreement with the Jewell Maple development team during their online Zoom meeting June 15.
The planned development is set for the area commonly known as the Saxton's property. Commissioners also approved a month-to-month lease agreement with the Jewell Maple development team on the Jewell Blaich building located on the property at Ann Arbor Trail across from Kellogg Park.

A second reading of the proposal is scheduled for the July 6 commission meeting.
Commissioners also approved the rezoning of 900 York St. from Light Industrial to Single-Family Residential at the second reading for the proposed change. The property owner is planning to build two single-family homes at the site.
The commissioners awarded the 2020 Infrastructure Program contract to low-bidder Pro-Line Asphalt. The bid came in at just more than $1.8 million, nearly $400,000 under the city engineer's estimate of $2.2 million for the project. The contract includes scheduled 2020 improvements on parts of Farmer Street, Main Street, Evergreen Street, Ann Street and continued concrete replacement on Junction Street.
Commissioners also approved the purchase of an attachment for the new city-owned Swap Loader truck. The Swap Loader has been referred to as a “Swiss Army Knife” style truck that allows for multiple attachments to handle various needs of the department of municipal services. The approved purchase is an anti-icing attachment that will be used to spread salt brine during the winter season, officials said. Brine was used in the city for the first time last winter season and produced successful results, commissioners commented.
The next city commission meeting is scheduled for July 6 at Lions Park at Burroughs and Harding streets.
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