Thursday, June 9, 2022

Township recognizes Village Arts Factory

The Village Arts Factory houses multiple artisans in Canton.
Canton Township has a new partner in the art world following the official recognition of The Village Arts Factory complex by the Canton Township Board of Trustees. 

The Partnership for the Arts & Humanities acquired the historic Henry Ford property in the township in 2012. The complex, consisting of three buildings, the Factory, The Warehouse and the Dorm, has been steadily renovated and transformed into inclusive spaces for resident artists and business owners. The complex has also become gallery space for historically underrepresented voices and perspectives and has played host to important holiday and cultural events, according to Ann Conklin, vice chairperson of the organization.

Conklin said the factory has provided a safe space for learning new skills and developing creative expression at any age or stage and has a retail outlet for a unique assortment of locally produced gifts and goods. 

She added that the newly strengthened collaboration with the township will provide resources to the complex to increase events and services that will continue to support and foster the cultural arts community in the township. 

Township Supervisor, Anne Marie Graham-Hudak  agreed.

 “We are pleased to be forging an alliance with the Partnership for the Arts & Humanities to support community events, arts programming and economic development in Canton. 

“The opportunity to experience the arts and humanities, along with expanded programming, will benefit all Canton residents, including the underserved, disabled and at-risk-youth far into the future.” 

“The Partnership for the Arts and Humanities is elated to have a deeper level of investment and dedication from the township to continue to build on the momentum that is already being cultivated there. Collaboration on this level will bring additional energy, creativity, and lifeforce to a pulse in the Village that grows stronger each day,” Conklin said.

Township Clerk, Michael Siegrist was also in support of the new collaboration.

“The Village Arts Factory is central to the township board's vision for the Cherry Hill Development Plan…We are committed to investing in our ongoing relationship with the partnership and support them in their efforts.”

Currently at the complex are The Branded Barby; The Cherry Hill Potters Guild; Cookies and More LLC by Sheila; D & M Art Studio; Good Vision Studios; Flowing Script; Jump-A-Rama Movement & Fitness Center; Personal Pilates & Fitness; Privileged Cosmetics; Reigning Motion Dance Company; Science & Lyes; Schwartzy Photos; SmokeyCitrine and True 2 You.

More information about the artists and small business owners of the Village Arts Factory is available at www.villagearts or