Thursday, July 8, 2021

Officials urge residents to document flood damage

While most of the water from the torrential storms which took place last week has receded, the damage inflicted by Mother Nature remains.

Piles of damaged furniture and belongings remain piled in front of homes throughout the area as residents attempt to cope with the loss of property and damage the monumental rains inflicted.

Inkster residents, like those in neighboring communities, have been urged by city officials to document any damage suffered during the flooding last week.

In a letter to residents, officials said that the focus is the “protection of the health and well-being of our residents, workers, and visitors.”

Staff members from the city Department of Public Services were called in to work along with other support staff to assist residents with flood remediation efforts, the letter continued. “We are in communication with the Governor's office and are seeking guidance and assistance from other appropriate governmental agencies.  As we await word about the potential for the declaration of a state of emergency, we ask all residents to document any flood damage with photographs and/or video in the event disaster relief is later made available,”

Officials stressed that documentation and or physical evidence of flooding damage could also be critical to obtaining relief should it become available. Residents were asked to take special care around any remaining standing water and be mindful of the dangers associated when electrical current comes into contact with water.  

Inkster police and fire departments as well as other city personnel were patrolling the city in an effort to locate any obvious hazards but officials urged residents to notify public safety departments of any safety issues that may remain in and around homes or businesses.

To contact the Inkster Police Department through the non-emergency number, call (313) 563-9850 or use the general city hall phone numbers (313) 563-4232 during normal business hours for more information.