Thursday, July 8, 2021

Romulus library returns to full hours, renovations are planned

The Romulus Public Library has moved to full service and is now open to the public. 

Study tables are available for use and time limits in the building have been lifted, and masks are no longer required, library officials said.

Members of the Library Board have approved a major capital improvement project for the facility, Library Director Patty Braden explained.  Based on feedback from the residents as part of the strategic plan for the library, three areas of the building will be renovated beginning this summer. 

The meeting room will undergo an expansion and renovation of the entire space with upgraded technology and new furnishings and other improvements include a new, modern circulation desk relocated to the center of the building and a new public computer area relocated near the entrance, she said. 

The building will remain open through most of the three-month construction period and will only be closed on days when absolutely necessary for staff and patron safety. Updates on the project and closed days will be posted on the library website and social media outlets. 

Construction is expected to begin in early August and continue through early November.